Positive Impact of SIBO’s Natural Treatments on Health

sibo natural treatment

Do you want to know what are SIBO symptoms and sibo natural treatment? Who to treat SIBO naturally? Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride through your small intestine! SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Your small intestine is generally like a cozy neighborhood with a few friendly bacteria.

 In the case of SIBO, it’s like a wild college party where the number of bacteria can increase by as much as 100 times. When the bacteria population rises, this can cause various symptoms, including bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 

But wait, there’s more! SIBO can also mess with your weight, leading to unintentional shedding of pounds. You see, all those party-loving bacteria can interfere with the digestion and absorption of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and nourished.

The Affect of SIBO on Lifestyle Integration and Self-Care

  • You just need a natural treatment for SIBO to keep slaying those business deadlines, eliminate the hassle of food preparation, and conquer your health goals. Here is a short overview of how SIBO affects your lifestyle.
  • Maintaining work productivity and gut health when you have SIBO, is very difficult. You are playing a never-ending game of juggling your work demands while trying to squeeze in time for your health needs, such as meal prep, to ensure a smooth digestion journey at work each day.
  • SIBO is the troublemaker for nutrient malabsorption, particularly of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.
  • Executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals may experience reduced energy levels and chronic fatigue with SIBO, making it difficult to maintain productivity and meet the demands of their roles while battling the SIBO slump!
  • SIBO IMO loves to play with your belly, causing unpredictable bowel movements that can also increase stress, anxiety, and frustration. 
  • Imagine you are at a fancy work-related social event, and suddenly, dietary restrictions crash the party! SIBO can make sticking to those food guidelines challenging, especially when surrounded by tempting treats and gourmet delights. It’s like resisting a mouthwatering buffet while everyone else indulges. The struggle is real!
  • Have you ever been in a work setting or an executive in a high-stakes client meeting trying to make those dietary changes to dodge digestive distress?  It feels like a minefield of food sensitivities, limited choices, and the dreaded irritable bowel. Thankfully we can help. 
  • SIBO, the master of emotional turmoil! It loves to stir up trouble, especially regarding the stress of social interactions and networking opportunities. Treatment of small intestinal requires overcoming this stress.

When does SIBO occur?

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) often occurs when various factors, like surgery or illness, disturb the normal flow of food and waste through the digestive system. This disruption creates a favorable environment for bacteria to grow excessively. The excessive growth of bacteria commonly results in diarrhea or constipation. 

The human body keeps its bacteria friends in balance using a complicated system of chemicals and movements. Certain chemical substances including gastric acid, bile, enzymes, and immunoglobulins regulate the small intestine’s bacterial population.

However, digestive symptoms can sometimes hinder the production of these acids and enzymes responsible for naturally controlling the bacteria. If this system doesn’t work right, food and waste can gather up in the small intestine. This might make the small intestine a home for not-so-friendly bacteria, which can lead to SIBO.

What is the cleansing mechanism?

The regular emptying of food from the small intestine to the large intestine is a cleansing mechanism(Peristalsis). When this mechanism is slowed or impaired, bacteria in the small intestine have more time to multiply, and the bacteria from the large intestine may migrate upward.

Peristalsis does play a role in the cleansing process of the intestines. It helps to move waste materials, undigested food particles, and bacteria from the small intestine to the large intestine and eventually to the rectum for elimination as a stool.

What is peristalsis?

The small intestine relies on wave-like muscular contractions to mix digestive juices with food, which aids in the efficient absorption of nutrients. Then the partially digested food enters the large intestine, and peristaltic contractions persist, propelling the waste material through the colon. These contractions are known as peristalsis. They serve crucial functions, such as compacting waste, facilitating water absorption, and allowing for the formation of feces.

SIBO Die off Symptoms

SIBO Die off Symptoms

To determine the presence and type of SIBO, we rely on the 3-hour lactulose breath test. Lactulose is used because it is absorbed more slowly than glucose or lactose, allowing it to reach the distal end of the small intestine.

In addition to the diagnostic approach, patients with SIBO are typically prescribed herbal supplements and personalized diet plans to manage the overgrowth of intestinal bacteria. It’s important to note that there are other symptoms commonly associated with SIBO or that may contribute to its development:

  • Weight fluctuations( Weight loss or Weight Gain)
  • Rosacea
  • Bad breath
  • Eczema
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Food sensitivities
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal distension
  • Malnutrition
  • Nutrient deficiencies (such as iron, Vitamins B12, A & D)
  • Headaches, and joint & body pain
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Celiac disease
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Colon cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Immunodeficiency disorders 
  • Intestinal lymphoma
  • Lupus
  • Pancreatitis
  • Scleroderma 

Cause of SIBO

People with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) conditions or who have undergone GI surgery are at a higher risk of developing SIBO because SIBO can disturb the lining of the gut. 

Furthermore, SIBO can affect gut motility, which pertains to the contractions and movement of the gastrointestinal muscles responsible for moving stool along. Opting for natural treatments for SIBO can assist in restoring energy levels and increasing productivity.

SIBO Natural Treatment

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) are like two peas in a pod regarding gastrointestinal troubles. They may have distinct symptoms but share a strong bond through common symptoms and potential root causes. Think of SIBO as the dominant troublemaker that can sometimes kickstart or aggravate the development of IBS.

When addressing SIBO, we take a comprehensive naturopathic approach that encompasses various aspects of care, providing a holistic perspective. Our focus is on supporting different digestive system functions, from regulating stomach acid and sphincter control to optimizing liver acid production and promoting healthy peristalsis through herbal treatments and natural remedies.

Our Confident Hormone Club will guide you about SIBO treatment protocol, targeted supplsibo probiotics, elements, and specific foods that aid in improving the functions of the digestive system. These substances assist in breaking up biofilms, eliminating bacteria in the small intestine, and strengthening the muscles of the digestive system while also enhancing the tone of the nervous system. Book a free discovery call now!

Incorporating fermented foods into your diet can be beneficial as they contain probiotics that promote a healthy gut microbiome, but only when your gut is functioning well and able to handle fermented foods. Otherwise, they can aggravate your symptoms.

If you are experiencing symptoms of SIBO, such as excessive gas, frequent bloating, or abdominal discomfort we recommend you seek the guidance of a healthcare professional, such as a naturopathic doctor, who can create an individualized treatment plan for you. Here are a few probiotics you might want to think about:

  1. Bacillus indicus
  2. Lactobacillus plantarum
  3. Saccharomyces boulardii
  4. Lactobacillus GG
  5. Bigodbactermimum infantis 35624
  6. Lactobacillus casei
  7. Bifidus lactis

Methane Sibo Symptoms

SIBO methane is a distinct form of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) characterized by the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine that produce methane gas. It is classified as one of the subtypes of SIBO alongside hydrogen-dominant SIBO.

The methane production in the small intestine can result in gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation, and alterations in bowel movements. The treatment approaches for SIBO methane may differ from those used for hydrogen-dominant SIBO.

Naturopathic SIBO natural treatment

When treating SIBO using naturopathic approaches, we’ve got a bag full of strategies up our sleeves. Probiotics, the “good bacteria” superheroes, take center stage in controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Introducing sibo probiotics and herbal supplements into your gastrointestinal system helps restore balance and create a healthy gut environment. Here are some herbs that can help make your gut healthy:

  1. Allicin
  2. Ayurveda (a natural medicine system)
  3. Barberry
  4. Berberine
  5. Clover or clove oil
  6. Coptis Chinensis
  7. Goldenseal
  8. Grapefruit seed extract
  9. Neem extract
  10. Olive leaf extract
  11. Oregon grape root
  12. Oregano leaf or oil
  13. Pau d’arco
  14. Peppermint oil
  15. Phildendriod
  16. Pomegranate husk
  17. Propolis
  18. Thyme oil

Just ensure your intestines are ready to welcome them with open arms, as timing is everything. If probiotics worsen your SIBO symptoms, it’s a sign that you need to dive deeper into gut work before giving them a go.

Dr. Kaylee and her team of naturopathic doctors utilize her antibacterial prowess to combat troublesome bacterial overgrowths. They initiate the treatment process by addressing issues related to low stomach acid and deficiencies in digestive enzymes. Their approach is careful and gradual, ensuring no exacerbations while striving to restore optimal functionality to your digestive tract.

At our clinic, we take immense pride in our outstanding team of doctors at MakeCareHealth who ensure that our patients receive top-notch care and treatments, leaving no stone unturned in their journey toward better health.

Super gut sibo yogurt recipe

This homemade SIBO yogurt is exceptional because it contains significantly more beneficial bacteria than commercial yogurt. That will be the best addition to your SIBO diet for treating Sibo naturally. This yogurt will be helpful for Sibo’s natural treatment.


  • 64 fluid ounces of lactose-free, organic half-and-half
  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch
  • 2 tablespoons of inulin
  • Yogurt starter


  • Start by taking 64 fluid ounces of a dairy product blend of half whole milk and half cream, ensuring lactose-free.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of potato starch and 2 tablespoons of inulin to the mixture.
  • Include the yogurt starter according to the instructions provided.
  • Incubate the mixture at 109ºF for 36 hours.

While it usually struts around with a modest 30-100 million CFUs per 4 ounces, our homemade SIBO yogurt takes it up several notches. Brace yourself for an impressive display of microbial power as this yogurt flexes with 500 billion colony-forming units! It’s like a bacterial army ready to conquer your gut health goals. They will work like herbal antibiotics.

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