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Natural Methods to Fight Anxiety without Drugs

Anxiety Disorders with Natural Treatments

Life can be tough with work, bills, family, and staying healthy. It can make you feel very anxious. Treat anxiety disorders with natural treatments. Sometimes, anxiety starts when you are a child and stays with you as you grow up. Other times, it comes later in life. No matter when it started, you might always feel like something terrible will happen. It’s like you’re waiting for a surprise you don’t want.

You are not the only one going through this. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are very common in the United States. They affect around 40 million adults. The good news is that you don’t have to take pills to feel better and control your fears and nerves. Here are eight easy and effective ways to fight anxiety without medication.

How to Beat Anxiety Disorders with Natural Treatments and Stay Motivated

Beating anxiety and staying motivated can be challenging, but there are ways to overcome it. By setting small, achievable goals and celebrating your progress, you can build motivation. Focus on the positive aspects of life, and take care of yourself with enough sleep, good food, and regular exercise to improve your mood and reduce anxiety. 

Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can also provide support. If anxiety becomes overwhelming, seeking professional help from a therapist can teach you coping strategies to manage anxiety effectively. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and there are ways to conquer anxiety and stay motivated. Below are some tips to help you stay motivated and overcome anxiety:

Set small and doable goals

When you feel anxious, break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. It will make them less scary and easier to achieve, keeping you motivated.

Reward yourself for progress

When you achieve a goal, take time to celebrate your success. This will keep you motivated and focused on moving forward.

Think positive thoughts

When anxiety strikes, it’s easy to get stuck in negative thinking. Try to focus on the good things in your life, even the little ones. This will bring hope and motivation.

Take care of yourself

Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise regularly. These activities can boost your mood and reduce anxiety.

Talk to someone you trust

Sharing your feelings with a friend, family member, therapist, or someone you trust can make you feel supported and less alone.

Discover a reliable support network

Surrounding yourself with individuals who can empathize with your experiences and provide encouragement can make a significant difference. Consider seeking support from friends, family, a therapist, or joining a support group.

Engage in an online community

Numerous virtual communities exist where individuals facing anxiety can connect, share their stories, and find solace in knowing they are not alone. Engaging in the Confident Hormone Club they can offer valuable insights and learn from communities who share similar challenges. 

Explore self-help literature and articles

Numerous self-help books and articles are available, packed with valuable information and strategies to effectively manage anxiety. Delve into these resources to gain helpful insights and tools.

Leverage podcasts and videos

There’s an abundance of excellent podcasts and videos specifically tailored to offer support and guidance to individuals coping with anxiety. Listening to or watching these resources can provide you with additional tools to tackle your challenges.

Shout it out

Talking to a trusted friend can be a helpful way to cope with anxiety, but there’s something even more liberating: giving yourself permission to scream at the top of your lungs. This doesn’t imply instilling fear in others or making them feel uneasy; instead, it’s about finding a healthy outlet for your emotions. Constantly battling anxiety can be overwhelming, so it’s beneficial to acknowledge anxiety as a part of life and then find ways to release it.

Tantrum Yoga

Unconventional methods like Tantrum Yoga, a class that encourages releasing emotions through physical expressions, to overcome anxiety. Recognize that suppressed emotions can lead to stress and potential health issues.

How to get anxiety medication without seeing a doctor?

therapist for depression and anxiety

Managing anxiety on your own can be challenging, but there are strategies you can employ to alleviate its symptoms. Some activities like self-empowerment, saying no, and staying comfortable. Work like medication for anxiety and depression. Here are some ways to cope with anxiety when you’re alone:

Be comfortable with saying no

Your capacity to handle tasks and responsibilities is limited, and taking on everyone else’s problems can intensify your anxiety. While the saying goes, “There’s more happiness in giving than receiving,” it doesn’t imply that you should let others encroach upon your time and well-being.

Whether it’s running errands for someone, picking up their kids from school, or being a listening ear for their issues, constantly expending energy on others can leave you with little left to tend to your own needs. It’s essential to strike a balance. Of course, helping others is commendable, but it’s equally crucial to recognize your limitations and not hesitate to say “no” when necessary. By setting boundaries and knowing when to decline requests, you can preserve your energy and focus on taking care of yourself and your own affairs.

Reduce your caffeine intake

While a cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate, or an ice-cold Coke might offer temporary relief and boost your energy levels, relying on caffeine as your go-to pick-me-up can exacerbate anxiety. Caffeine provides a jolt to the nervous system, which can initially increase your energy. However, during times of stress, this heightened nervous energy may trigger anxiety attacks.

If the thought of breaking up with your beloved caffeinated drinks sparks anxiety, don’t worry, you don’t have to quit cold turkey or eliminate caffeine entirely. Moderation is the key. Consider scaling back from consuming four cups of coffee a day to just one or two regular-sized cups (8 ounces each). 

Give this adjustment a try and observe how it impacts your anxiety levels. As you gradually reduce caffeine, incorporate other calming beverages into your routine, like decaffeinated herbal teas. These alternatives can soothe your mind and nerves while easing your transition away from excessive caffeine consumption.

Avoid skipping meals

It worsens anxiety and causes nausea. When you don’t eat, your blood sugar drops, leading to the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. While cortisol can aid performance under pressure, it can exacerbate anxiety if you’re prone to it.

However, don’t use this as an excuse to indulge in sugary or junk foods, as sugar rushes can trigger physical symptoms of anxiety. Instead, focus on a balanced diet with lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Consume five to six small meals throughout the day and limit your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Empower yourself with an exit plan

Anxiety can stem from a sense of losing control, but you can regain some control by identifying triggers and finding ways to cope with anxiety-inducing situations. Perhaps the thought of social gatherings or meeting new people leaves you feeling overwhelmed, and you imagine yourself uncomfortable and counting the minutes until it’s over. Sometimes, you may even decline invitations or withdraw during weekends to avoid these situations.

However, imagine having an exit strategy in place before you even leave your home. For instance, opt to drive yourself instead of carpooling with friends. This way, you have the freedom to leave if anxiety intensifies and you need to escape awkward interactions. By having more control over your circumstances, you can reduce anxiety’s grip on you.

What does anxiety medication feel like?

Anxiety medication functions by calming the nervous system, leading to both physical and mental relaxation. Within minutes of taking these medications, you may experience a sense of calm. Nonetheless, they may also bring about undesirable side effects like drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, confusion, headaches, and memory loss. 

How to ask your doctor for anxiety medication?

At Make Care Health Centre book a free discovery call with Dr. Kaylee and ask for help. 

When approaching her to discuss anxiety medication, it’s essential to be open and honest about your symptoms and how they are affecting your life. Here are some steps to help you ask your doctor for anxiety medication:

  • Openly discuss your symptoms and their impact on your life with your doctor.
  • Inquire if medication could be a suitable treatment for you.
  • Seek information from your doctor regarding the various medication options and which one might be most suitable for your needs.
  • Address any concerns or questions you have about taking medication with your doctor.

Who prescribes anxiety medication?

Obtaining anxiety medication necessitates a prescription, which means you must consult with your primary care doctor, psychiatrist, or another qualified prescriber. Various healthcare providers, such as psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, and primary care/general practice doctors, have the authority to issue prescriptions for anxiety medication.

Does anxiety medication work?

Anxiety medication can be beneficial for certain individuals, but it’s crucial to recognize that it isn’t always the ideal solution and does not offer a cure1. A wide variety of medications are used to treat anxiety disorders, including traditional anti-anxiety drugs. While these medications may offer temporary relief, they also carry potential side effects and safety considerations, some of which can be significant.

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