Beginners guide for Intermittent Fasting and how it works

intermittent fasting

Obesity and overweight play a significant role in the development of chronic diseases. Intermittent fasting has health benefits for fat loss to deal with obesity. The key to effective treatment lies in lifestyle management, which emphasizes the importance of moderate daily caloric restriction (CR) and regular physical activity to achieve weight loss. It has a great impact on men’s and women’s health.

Effects of intermittent fasting

Alternateday fasting has stood the test of time, dating back to ancient civilizations and continuing to be practiced in religious traditions today. This fantastic approach not only aids in weight loss but also complements the popular keto diet, when it comes to eating to lose weight or to support acid reflux. 

The effectiveness of intermittent fasting has empowered countless individuals to achieve their goals and unlock their full potential! Health professionals like dietitians, nutritionists, and naturopathic doctors who deal with the complex management of obesity recommend intermittent fasting (IF) when necessary.

What is intermittent fasting?

fasting for 24 hours benefits

Intermittent fasting is a fascinating idea involving taking breaks from food for specific periods. This enjoyable practice can include skipping meals for a few hours during the day or even going without food for a whole day. 

At the same time, Intermittent Fasting (IF) shows promise as a viable weight-loss method (please reference here the number of hours men and women it takes to have growth hormone kick in, and how it influences metabolism.

It is a revolutionary approach that can transform your life. It involves alternating between unrestricted eating and a designated fasting period during which no food is consumed. It is an intriguing concept that entails intermittently reducing caloric intake. This delightful practice can encompass several hours throughout the day or even extend to an entire 24-hour period.

Does intermittent fasting help to lose weight?

fasting on period

Intermittent fasting (IF) plans are effective for weight loss because they substantially impact reducing body fat. Besides the cosmetic benefits, these effects also contribute to the positive effects of IF on diseases related to obesity, such as high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease. 

There is a connection between having excess body fat and chronic inflammation, and IF helps address this link. These days, many people have a hectic work schedule and only have the morning hours available for exercise. Intermittent fasting (IF) can be helpful because it allows them to avoid cutting down on sleep time to have breakfast and wait for digestion. However, exercising while fasting can be uncomfortable for many people, even though it is possible from a metabolic standpoint. 

Because the body’s energy stores in the muscles depend on the food eaten the previous day, as long as you have a regular exercise routine of about an hour per day, it should not cause low blood sugar, except for individuals taking certain medications for low blood sugar without proper control. Studies say that people who have obesity can find intermittent fasting (IF) beneficial because of its flexibility. 

For example, they can have larger meals during the eating window, which can be helpful for individuals with obesity who may have a larger stomach capacity due to previous eating habits.

What should you eat during intermitting fasting?

Adding plant-based protein (like legumes, seeds, nutritional yeast, quinoa, wild rice, and other rice to your diet, can help you get enough protein in your meal plan. Intake of high-protein food will help you to avoid muscle loss.

This advice is essential because timerestricted eating involves eating less often, skipping breakfast and snacks, and you want to ensure you still eat your macronutrient requirements in your feeding window

Having around 30 grams of protein in each meal or about 3 grams of leucine spread throughout the food in each meal (leucine is an essential amino acid across the food consumed in a meal) divided into two big meals, along with one or two snacks, can be enough to meet your protein needs. Healthy eating helps you feel full and supports maintaining your muscles.

Role of high-fiber food 

Research suggests including foods that are high in fiber in your meal plan and can fill you up without adding excessive calories from sugars and oils is an intelligent choice. These healthy diet involves vegetables, fruits, seeds, and whole grains. These foods not only provide essential nutrients and antioxidants, but they also help in managing weight. 

However, it’s important to remember that incorporating small portions of “unhealthy” foods can be acceptable to keep some of the patient’s habits intact. It should be done in moderation as part of flexible dieting strategies, which have been recognized as effective for weight loss and preventing weight regain.

Can you drink coffee while fasting?

Now, let’s talk about coffee during intermittent fasting. You might have come across people who happily enjoy black coffee or add a little MCT oil, coconut oil, or butter to their morning brew while fasting. But here’s the scoop: we don’t recommend it. Why? Because it can disrupt one of the coolest benefits of intermittent fasting, which is autophagy.

Autophagy is a fancy term for a process that kicks in when you fast. It’s like a superhero power that helps your body break down sick cells and ramp up protein production. But here’s the catch: autophagy doesn’t work when you consume calories. So, it’s a thumbs-down to coffee with any fats or calories while fasting. However, if your fasting goal doesn’t involve reaching autophagy, then you can still enjoy your cup of joe.

Too much coffee can mess with your cortisol levels (that stress hormone), raise your cholesterol, and even affect your blood sugar sensitivity over time. So, if you simply can’t wait until later in the day for your beloved coffee, try intermittent fasting on certain days and treat your coffee routine the same.

Intermittent fasting results

benefits of fasting while on period
  • Changing how we eat by modifying fasting patterns can help us lose weight and improve our overall health. Eating less at night and giving our bodies longer breaks from eating can lead to long-term health improvements.
  • Intermittent fasting may affect our body’s natural rhythms, the bacteria in our gut, and our lifestyle habits like sleep, all of which play a role in our metabolism (can you reference this please).
  • It can directly impact the community of microorganisms, known as the gut microbiota which reduce gut inflammation, that exist in our intestines. Studies suggest that in obese individuals, the gut microbiota may differ from lean ones. This difference can affect how our bodies absorb, spend, and store energy from food. 
  • Changes in the gut microbiota due to obesity can increase gut permeability and the movement of bacteria, leading to inflammation throughout the body. It’s interesting to note that a recent study connected disruptions in the body’s natural rhythms, like jet lag, to changes in the gut microbiota, which can result in glucose intolerance and obesity.
  • Studies indicate that extended periods of fasting may be safe for certain cancer patients and could potentially reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and slow down tumor growth.
  • Following an intermittent fasting (IF) diet and experiencing weight loss, along with changes in lipid parameters, reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease and permnote heart health.
  • Following an intermittent fasting (IF) diet can help lower blood pressure and positively impact heart and mental health.

How to do intermittent fasting?

intermittent fasting results

Ultimate beginners guide for intermittent fasting

With the growing popularity of intermittent fasting, we are witnessing a surge in its diverse variations of eating patterns. From hourly fasts to daily fasts, periodic fasts, and spontaneous evening fasts. Just control your calories on fasting day and you will start lose weight. Several types of intermittent fasting have gained immense popularity in recent times. Different types of intermittent fasting plan are given below:

14/10 intermittent fasting

14/10 intermittent fasting, or 14:10 intermittent fasting, offers a specific approach to time-restricted eating (TRE) or time-restricted feeding (TRF). This method involves dedicating 10 hours daily to mindful eating while observing a 14-hour fasting period. 

Like other forms of TRE intermittent fasting, the two numbers (14/10) beautifully align, summing up to a total of 24 hours in a day. For example, start eating at 9 am and have your final meal before 7 pm.

16/8 intermittent fasting

The 16:8 intermittent fasting approach is a popular form of time-restricted fasting. Experience the power of the renowned Leangains protocol by skip meals or skipping breakfast and narrowing your daily eating window to 8 hours, such as 1–9 pm. You can pick any of these 8-hour periods for your eating desire. Start eating from 9 am and ends at 5 pm.

18/6 intermittent fasting

18/6 intermittent fasting is about going hungry for 18 hours, then enjoying a limited food extravaganza for 6 hours. It’s like giving your belly a little vacation while satisfying your hunger in a restricted time frame. 

So adjust your meal times accordingly, forget breakfast starting at 12:30 pm, and wrap it all up by 6:30 pm. 

20/4 intermittent fasting

Step into advanced intermittent fasting with the renowned 20/4 or 20/4 intermittent fasting. You divide your day into 20 hours of disciplined fasting, complemented by a nourishing 4-hour window dedicated to satisfying your culinary desires.

For instance, an individual could wrap up their final meal by 6:00 pm and then embark on an overnight fast, sustaining it until a remarkable 2:00 pm the following day.

This incredible gut-healing technique, known as intermittent fasting, has demonstrated remarkable benefits that are bound to leave you in awe:

Consult with our naturopathic doctor

Fasting and Intermittent Fasting may only be suitable for some, or at least not at all times. It’s essential to consider the stress already present in your life, whether from circumstances, habits, or other conditions. Adding fasting or intermittent fasting without caution could exacerbate the stress or lead to further damage. 

To ensure your well-being, it is always advisable to consult a naturopathic doctor or undergo a comprehensive healthcare assessment. Moreover, it is crucial to be mindful of any disordered eating habits that might be triggered by fasting, as this is something we want to avoid.

What does Dr.Kaylee claim?

Dr. Kaylee is all about supporting your happiness and making things super easy-peasy! The reason people love it so much is that it feels amazing and doesn’t involve any boring restrictions. 

It’s like stepping into a whole new way of living that boosts your health and makes you feel awesome. Get ready to jump on this extraordinary journey toward long-lasting wellness and pure happiness. Let’s make it an adventure you’ll never forget!

The incredible success stories of our esteemed clinic’s patients are truly awe-inspiring. Ready to unlock lasting health benefits? Join the Confident Hormone Club now and make time-restricted eating a permanent part of your journey!

Does lying down after eating make you fat?

Don’t worry, lying down after eating won’t instantly make you gain weight. The real secret behind weight gain is the balance between the calories you eat and the calories you burn through activity. However, if you lie down or go to sleep right after a meal, it can slow down digestion and cause problems like acid reflux or indigestion. 

To avoid these issues, it’s best to give your body some time to digest by staying upright or doing light activities after you eat. Remember, keeping a healthy and balanced diet along with regular exercise is essential for managing your weight effectively.

Intermittent fasting for women over 50

Intermittent fasting can offer advantages for women over 50; however, it’s crucial to take individual health systems into account and seek guidance from a healthcare professional before embarking on any new dietary plan. While intermittent fasting has shown potential benefits like enhanced insulin sensitivity, weight management, and cellular repair due to caloric restriction it may not be appropriate for everyone. 

Women in this age group may have specific nutritional requirements, hormonal shifts, or underlying health conditions that necessitate personalized advice. Collaborating with a healthcare provider is essential to determine the most suitable approach to intermittent fasting, ensuring it aligns with individual health goals and overall well-being.

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