Ready to make a change Whitehorse?

Welcome to the Make Care Health Naturopathic Clinic.

We take you from being confused to confident in your health with consults & community.

Does any of this sound familiar?


You've Been Told You're Fine, But You Don't Feel Fine


We Give You Time and Objectivity to Help You Achieve Results


You Can’t Figure Out the Cause


We Provide In-Depth Assessments and Testing


You're Feeling Stuck on How to Make Change


We Provide an Individualized Strategy and Follow You Through to Results

Good looking young woman eating vegetable salad

You don't have to live with uncomfortable symptoms.

There is something you can do.

What stage of life can we help you in?

Reproductive Years

For ages 20-45. At this stage we commonly help with :

Perimenopause Years

For those who notice periods are changing, but who have not yet gone 1 year without a period. At this stage we commonly help with:

Digestive Health

Digestive upset doesn't have to be your norm. At this stage we commonly help with:

  • Constipation or Diarrhea
  • Acid-Reflux or Recurring Nausea
  • Gallbladder health
  • Support after gallbladder removal
  • Crohns or Colitis
  • Mold or Mycotoxicity infections
  • Chronic Sinusitis
  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Mental Health

Examining your mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs, helps you make lasting change. At this stage we commonly help with:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Mild to Moderate Depression
  • Stress Management
  • TBI and Brain Injury Recovery
  • Mood fluctuations
  • Fatigue
  • Environmental toxin impact

If you are in the Yukon, we can help improve your health.

Hi, I'm Dr. Kaylee

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, Hormone Replacement Certified practitioner, lead clinician of the Make Care Health Clinic, and founder of the Confident Hormone Club. There is a method to how your body heals, and it all begins with a foundation of good gut and hormone health. 

As a leader in digestive and women’s hormone health, I provide naturopathic education and guidance, support for you to become your best health advocate and feel empowered on your health journey. It is my goal that you can learn, look and feel your best. 

Over the last 10+ years I’ve helped hundreds of patients overcome confusion and exhaustion in their bodies, recover from symptoms and more importantly, have their health when they need it most. 

I’ve been supporting people learn how their body works since 2012, and am honoured to do so.

All you need is the right partnership to get started on your journey back to a more vibrant, energized you!

I look forward to working with you.



Get started on your Assessment, and started on your Treatment Plan, in your first consult. Then get direction for the type of care plan that would work best for you. $267 for your initial consult. 

Lab testing and supplements cost extra. 


Get on-going care for a 6-month commitment with 2 or 3 follow-up consults, program materials, referral letters, blood lab review, strategy and treatment plan. $135/month or $175/month.

Lab testing and supplements cost extra. 


Get on-going care for a 12-month commitment with 4 consults, program materials, referral letters, and blood lab review and treatment plan.  $125/month (save $120/year)

Lab testing and supplements cost extra. 

Gain confidence in your health and hormones.


The minimum investment to work together for naturopathic care is $267 for your initial consult, plus the cost of supplements. Together with what your case needs, guidance from your naturopathic doctor, and what works best for you –  choose from a 6-month commitment or 12-month commitment care plan, for $135/month or $175/month and $125/month respectively.  This will include 2, 3 or 4 consults, program materials and treatment plan and support services in-between appointments (referral letters, admin, clarification questions). It does not include the cost of supplements or blood labs or functional lab kit testing (stool, breath or urine test kits).  

These fees are inclusive of time outside of appointments to send you your visit summary and treatment plan, review of your lab testing and reports, and writing letters to your medical team when needed.  It typically takes 6-24 months, to overcome a health concern.

Consultations with a Naturopathic Doctor are not covered by government health insurance, however, many private health benefit plans may partially cover these sessions. The frequency and duration of our work together will be tailored to the depth and complexity of your specific health needs and goals.  

We are committed to providing exceptional care and want to ensure our services reflect the most current practices and standards.

Laboratory tests may be necessary to accurately assess your health. If you have recent lab results from your MD/NP, we can order what they didn’t cover. Tests ordered by a Naturopathic Doctor are not covered by government healthcare but may or may not be covered by your health benefits plan. Ask your insurance provider if they cover naturopathic testing. 

The cost for initial blood lab testing typically ranges from $280 to $400, depending on the comprehensiveness of your recent tests.
Functional urine, blood and stool testing is available for genetic reports, infections, mold, toxicities and nutrient deficiencies and sensitivities. These tests range from $600-$1300 each. 

For those who are willing to do what it takes to improve your health.

Book a 1st Consult or book a discovery call to get started.

Once booked, look out for an email from our system '[email protected]'.

Then register your PHR (create a username and password in your patient portal) from the link sent to your email.

Virtual Consult Hours are Tuesdays 7:30am-1:00pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:30am-11:30am

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