Lab Testing Available at
Make Care Health
Naturopathic Clinic
Functional blood lab testing : $280-$555
*All pricing subject to change without notice.
We use Dynacare Laboratory Services anywhere in Ontario and Quebec.
For Quebec patients in Wakefield, La Peche, Outouais or surrounding areas, the nearest Dynacare labs location is in Gatineau. Blood draws completed in Quebec, cost $50 more, so we often recommend driving across the border to Ottawa. Blood lab draws are private pay, so you pay our clinic and then take the requisition to the lab. The lab won’t charge you.
Please search for the nearest Dynacare blood draw location near you. Special exceptions apply.

Food Sensitivity Testing, dried blood spot, ranges $374-$494, best for eczema, dermatitis, skin rashes and support for those who need to complete the elimination diet
Lactulose or Glucose 3-hour Breath Testing (to assess for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth [SIBO]), $374 – best for patients dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, GERD, Acid-reflux, stool changes, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and excessive gas/flatulence, that smells foul or sulfur like, or a burning, foul or metallic sensation on the tongue, chronic nausea
Stool Testing (Yeast, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Comprehensive Stool Analysis)- Doctor’s Data Labs, $710 best for patients experiencing chronic stool changes, abdominal pain, indigestion of foods, and suspect of irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s or Colitis. Used to measure inflammation in the gut, infection in the gut, stool symptoms (constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, immune deficiency, auto-immune disease, Joint Pain, IBD/IBS, Food Sensitivities, Nutritional Deficiencies, Skin Conditions (Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema, Psoriasis) and testing for Parasites.
H. Pylori breath test, $125 – best for cases of reflux, bad breath, gastritis, esophagitis, to confirm h. pylori current infection, where the blood test just confirms prior exposure
Mold and Mycotoxin Testing, (urine test), US Biotek, $685

Comprehensive Urine Elements (Environmental Testing), pre and post-provocation, $989 – best for chronic illness, pre-conception care, autoimmune or immune conditions (stubborn or unique case symptoms, muscle pain, bone pain, skin pain or tingling, from chronic infections, or idiopathic hypertension, etc. Used to evaluate toxicity exposure contributing to alopecia and hair loss, weakened bone density, undetermined hypertension, non-responding patients and for those with chronic pain.
Organic Acids Analysis & Nutrient Status (urine and blood), USBiotek, $895-$1295 (+$120 if completing the test in Quebec v/s Ontario) – best for nutrient assay, neurologic conditions, and conditions affecting amino acid and ammonia metabolism, purine and pyrimidine metabolism, and fat metabolism. Urine test for mitochondrial function, liver detoxification, nutrient absorption, neurotransmitter (seratonin & dopamine) productin, affects on these from dysbiosis, candida and bacterial infections.
The OAT (organic acids test), measures many factors that are imbalanced with a compromised immune system due to a chronic condition, long standing stress, or genetic changes from the influence of the environment. It will show signs of yeast, mold, and dysbiotic bacteria, vitamin status, dopamine and serotonin synthesis, status of mitochondrial function (ability to make energy and antioxidants to protect cells), fatty acid breakdown (for energy) and metabolism.
The Nutristat test is an OAT and blood draw for RBC minerals, RBC metals, essential fatty acids, zinc / copper with ratio, test, which helps us understand any burden to your genetics or pathways built to make or use your hormones.