
Nausea is a sensation or feeling of unease and discomfort in the stomach, often accompanied by an inclination to vomit. It is commonly described as a feeling of queasiness or an upset stomach. Opting for mild and non-spicy foods as your initial morning choices can assist in alleviating symptoms of nausea. Additionally, some women have discovered relief from nausea by consuming cold treats like watermelon, Popsicles, or pickles
Various factors cause nausea and vomiting:
Including motion sickness, gastroesophageal reflux, reflux bile, reflux disease, sluggish gallbladder, inflamed or blocked gallbladder, constipation, liver, and gallbladder disease, certain medical conditions, gallbladder inflammation, medication side effects, food poisoning, pregnancy, emotional stress.
How to control Nausea caused by Vitamins
- To alleviate nausea caused by vitamins, there are a few strategies you can try.
- take your vitamins with food or after eating a small snack to help reduce stomach irritation. Avoid taking vitamins on an empty stomach, as this can increase the likelihood of experiencing nausea.
- Switching to a different form of the vitamin, such as switching from a tablet to a gummy or liquid form, may be gentler on the stomach.
- If nausea persists, you can try taking your vitamins at night before bed, as this may minimize any discomfort during the day.
Seek expert guidance for persistent or severe nausea. Join the Confident Hormone Club for tailored solutions and support!
What is Bile Reflux?

Bile reflux occurs when the bile, which is normally discharged into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of food, regurgitates back into the stomach and occasionally into the esophagus.
Bile reflux can be accompanied by the backflow of stomach acid (gastric acid) into the esophagus. This gastric reflux can result in a potential irritation and inflammation of the tissues lining the esophagus which causes GERD.
How does Bile reflux affect your productivity?
- Bile reflux can cause a loss of appetite or aversion to certain foods due to the unpleasant taste associated with bile regurgitation. This can lead to nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and inadequate nutrition and energy levels, affecting the ability to sustain long work hours and maintain mental sharpness.
- These symptoms can be disruptive and uncomfortable, making it difficult for you to focus on your work and maintain productivity.
- Nighttime reflux of bile into the esophagus can cause heartburn and disrupt sleep patterns. Lack of quality sleep can lead to daytime fatigue, reduced concentration, and diminished cognitive abilities, all of which can hinder your professional performance and decision-making.
- Emotional distress such as frustration, anxiety, and irritability. These emotional burdens can affect your work relationships, decision-making, and overall job satisfaction caused by gallbladder disease.
- Persistent symptoms like a regurgitation of bile or frequent throat clearing may be socially embarrassing or raise concerns about your appearance and hygiene. This can affect your self-confidence, networking, and client interactions.
- The refluxed bile can irritate the throat and vocal cords, resulting in hoarseness, chronic cough, or throat clearing. if you rely on effective communication, these symptoms can be particularly problematic and impact your ability to speak clearly and confidently.
How Backflow Disrupts the Digestive Process
Unidirectional Flow
In a typical scenario, the flow of everything involved in the digestive process should strictly be unidirectional downward. As food enters the digestive tract, the valves located at the end of each organ open to allow the passage of food and digestive juices into the subsequent organ, while preventing any backward flow.
Sphincters Regulats the Flow
Sphincters act as valves, allowing or restricting the passage of fluids. These muscles surround and regulate the openings of various organs and passages in the body. They help maintain the proper direction of flow and prevent backflow or leakage.
Physical therapy treatment support for bile reflux
Work with an osteopath, or physical therapist trained in cranio-sacral therapy and visceral manipulation, to adjust your vagus nerve and the 5 sphincters and junctions of the GI tract to help move bile acids down and resolve bile acid reflux The 5-sphincters would adjust are: – cardiac, pylorus, DJ junction, Sphincter of Oddi, IC-Valve.
They can also provide visceral manipulation of sliding hiatial hernia, adjusting L1 (anterior typically), C5, T5/6 (bilateral) superior talus (acupressure point ST42), and/or 2nd cuneiform involvement.
The reasoning for talus adjustment is that it is directly over the tonification point for the stomach, need or tap it bilateral if there is no palpable joint restriction.
Show them this page and segment, to help guide your care to reduce bile reflux and the nausea and irritation it causes.
Adjust L1 immediately after so visceral manipulation will hold, and can treat active Stomach acupuncture points. The major psoas attachment point is at L1, rare need for psoas work unless pt sits most of the time/has contracture, usually, psoas is hypotonic on the side of the stomach, not common for it to be hypetonic, needing adjustment.
When Valves Malfunction Reflux Occurs
When these valves, are known to fail to function properly, reflux can occur, causing the backflow of digestive juices such as bile into organs where they did not belong.
How bile reflux occurs
Our liver produced Bile, which is stored in the gallbladder until it is needed for the digestion of fats in the small intestine. As fats enter the small intestine, bile is released and combines with them. The movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine is regulated by the pyloric valve, which opens to allow passage. However, if the pyloric valve is overly relaxed or obstructed, it fails to close effectively, leading to the backward flow of bile into the stomach.
What is the difference between Acid Reflux vs Bile Reflux?
If the lower esophageal sphincter, which is responsible for allowing food from the esophagus into the stomach, fails to close properly, it can result in the regurgitation of stomach fluids into the esophagus. This condition is named acid reflux.
On the other hand, if these fluids have bile, it can result in the regurgitation of stomach fluids into the esophagus this condition is referred to as bile reflux, In some cases, bile reflux may be the primary concern causing irritation to the esophagus.
How does bile reflux affect my body?
Bile consists of acids specifically intended for breaking down fats. This can harm the sensitive walls of your stomach and esophagus. Prolonged bile reflux can lead to the erosion of these protective linings, resulting in painful inflammation and eventual tissue damage known as esophagitis. It can reach the throat and even the lungs, leading to the respiratory system causing cough, or hoarseness.
This reflux can cause inflammation of the stomach lining which increases the risk of stomach ulcers. Bile plays a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of fats when bile refluxes into the stomach, it can interfere with the normal digestive process and impair gut health. It also increases the risk factor for esophageal cancer.
When bile is in your stomach the symptoms you may frequently experience as
- Burning sensation in the stomach
- Green or Yellow Vomiting of bile
- Regurgitation of stomach
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Indigestion
When bile is in your esophagus symptoms you may frequently experience as
- Heartburn
- A sore throat
- Regurgitation of stomach contents into the esophagus
- Nausea
- Green or Yellow Vomiting of bile
Gallbladder Sludge

When the gallbladder fails to fully empty its contents, substances such as a mixture of mucus, cholesterol, and calcium salts can result in the formation of sludge within the gallbladder. Over time, these substances transform into a viscous material known as biliary sludge, more commonly recognized as gallbladder sludge, or what Dr. Kaylee will refer to as having a sluggish gallbladder.
If you have this you may experience the following symptoms of gallbladder disease:
- Discomfort or pain in the upper chest area
- Pain in the right shoulder
- Feelings of nausea and episodes of vomiting
- Stools that resemble the color and consistency of clay
- Abdominal pain on the right side
Individuals who have a heightened susceptibility to developing a sluggish gallbladder are::
- Women, who generally exhibit higher rates of gallbladder problems compared to men
- Individuals with Native American ancestry
- People who rely on intravenous nutrition or alternative forms of sustenance.
- Individuals who are critically ill
- Those with diabetes
- People who were previously overweight and underwent rapid weight loss
- Individuals who have undergone organ transplantation
Long-term effects of Gallbladder removal
- The gallbladder plays a role in the digestion of fats by storing and releasing bile. Without a gallbladder, the continuous flow of bile into the digestive tract can lead to diarrhea, bloating, IBS, gas, and difficulty digesting fatty foods.
- You may experience similar gallbladder problems even after its removal. These symptoms can include abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, bloating, and mental health issues.
- Without the gallbladder to regulate bile release, bile can flow more freely into the stomach, potentially causing bile reflux. This can lead to heartburn, gastritis, and an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer over time.
- Certain individuals may encounter alterations in their bowel movements, such as increased frequency or looser consistency of stools.
Note: It’s important to note that not everyone experiences these issues, and many individuals adjust well to life without a gallbladder by adopting proper naturopathic treatment.
Are GERD and acid reflux are same?
Acid reflux is characterized by the reverse movement of stomach acid into the esophagus. It is a normal physiological process. It is a common occurrence and can happen to anyone occasionally, especially after consuming certain foods or beverages, lying down immediately after eating, or while pregnant.
GERD, on the other hand, is a chronic condition characterized by the persistent occurrence of acid reflux, leading to irritation and inflammation of the esophagus. It is diagnosed when acid reflux symptoms occur more than twice a week or when complications, such as esophageal damage, are present.
The treatment of GERD and bile reflux may overlap to some extent, as both conditions involve lifestyle modifications and medications to reduce symptoms. However, specific approaches may differ.
Naturopathic Strategies for GERD, Nausea, bile reflux, and Concerns with Gallbladder
When it comes to managing GERD, Dr. Kaylee’s naturopathic approaches focus on identifying underlying causes such as H. pylori infection and low stomach acid. These natural remedies aim to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and provide support for retraining the nerves responsible for optimal stomach and digestive system function with dietary changes, and lifestyle changes.
Addressing by healthcare providers these factors makes digestion more efficient from top to bottom, reducing the likelihood of undigested foods irritating the intestines. This approach helps minimize the risk of food allergies or intolerances, as well as the development of conditions like IBS or SIBO. By implementing these naturopathic interventions, we strive to promote digestive health and alleviate symptoms associated with GERD.
Let us navigate the complexities of bile-acid reflux, gallbladder-related issues, and post-gallbladder removal surgery symptoms, ensuring that you receive the personalized care and attention you deserve. Trust us to be your partner on this journey toward better digestive health and a more fulfilling professional life.
Our comprehensive approach focuses on providing support, guidance, and effective solutions to help individuals regain control over their digestive health and overall well-being. Through personalized treatment plans, lifestyle modifications, and evidence-based interventions, we strive to alleviate the discomfort and disruptions caused by these conditions.
How to relieve nausea from constipation?
Nausea can be a common symptom associated with constipation. Here are a few suggestions to help relieve nausea caused by constipation:
- Stay hydrated
- Eat small, frequent meals
- Increase fiber intake
- Gentle exercise
- Use natural remedies
- Consider over-the-counter medications
- Manage stress
Can gastritis cause elevated liver enzymes?
Yes, in some cases, gastritis can cause elevated liver enzymes. This is because gastritis can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining, which can cause the liver to release more enzymes into the bloodstream.
it’s important to note that elevated liver enzymes can also be caused by other conditions, such as hepatitis, alcohol abuse, and certain medications. If you have elevated liver enzymes, it’s important to see a doctor to determine the underlying cause
Why does Sprite help with nausea?
Low blood sugar levels can sometimes trigger nausea, so drinking Sprite can help to raise blood sugar levels and relieve nausea. The lemon-lime flavor of Sprite can be soothing to the stomach and help to take your mind off of the nausea. It’s important to note that Sprite is not a cure for nausea, and it’s not always effective.